Coffee is a cornerstone for many people’s mornings. It can give you that extra boost of energy and make for a tasty drink with breakfast. In fact, coffee is so widely loved in the U.S. that 70% of adults drink coffee every week and 62% drink it every day, according to the National Coffee Association.
Though coffee is a popular drink of choice, most people don’t think coffee has a hydrating effect. In effect, you’ve probably even wondered: Does coffee dehydrate you? Even if you are a coffee drinker, it’s also important to drink enough water throughout the day — and get those much-needed electrolytes into your system as well. Adding DripDrop hydration powder to your water and taking sips throughout the day will help boost your electrolyte intake and provide dehydration relief fast.
Read on to find out about caffeine and dehydration and whether or not coffee should count towards your daily fluid needs.
How Does Coffee Impact Hydration?
When consumed in moderation, coffee actually can count towards your daily water intake. Though many believe caffeinated beverages can cause dehydration, studies show little evidence of caffeine dehydration. After all, a cup of coffee is made almost entirely of water filtered through tasty roasted coffee beans. In fact, other popular caffeinated drinks, like green tea and black tea, all count towards your daily fluid intake.
However, there is more to the answer behind the question: Does coffee dehydrate you?
Though coffee is made up mostly of water, it is also a mild diuretic because it contains caffeine, which means, like other caffeinated beverages, it increases your urine output. Frequent urination without replenishing your water intake can increase your risk for dehydration.
In order to avoid caffeine dehydration from coffee, research suggests adults limit their daily coffee consumption to 300 mg of caffeine or 2-3 cups.
Caffeine’s Diuretic Effect Explained
Though caffeine dehydration may not be a primary issue because it is not naturally dehydrating, caffeine's diuretic effect can impact your chance of becoming dehydrating. This makes the answer to the question “does coffee dehydrate you” a bit tricky.
Coffee is made up of mostly water, but drinking an excessive amount of caffeinated drinks can lead to hydration. Caffeine is considered a diuretic, which means it increases the amount of water passed through the body. If you are losing water more quickly than you are taking in, you will become dehydrated, which is why it’s so important to consume water throughout the day.
Tips for staying hydrated include setting reminders to drink water throughout the day and carrying a reusable water bottle with you as a physical reminder. To help with mild symptoms of dehydration, add electrolyte mix DripDrop to your water bottle. This doctor-developed formula works two times faster than water and includes three times the amount of electrolytes found in traditional sports drinks.
What is Dehydration?
Before you can fully answer the question, does coffee dehydrate you, you should understand what dehydration is.
Dehydration is a condition in which water and electrolyte loss is greater than intake. It can cause a variety of symptoms from extreme thirst to painful headaches and uncomfortable dizziness. In severe cases, it can be deadly.
Coffee’s diuretic effect combined with other issues, like sweating and illness, can increase the risk of dehydration. For example, when you sweat, your body excretes water and salts to the surface of your skin. There, it evaporates to create a cooling effect. If you don’t replace those lost fluids and electrolytes quickly, dehydration occurs.
Illnesses like diarrhea and vomiting also cause rapid fluid loss, heightening the likelihood of dehydration. Other common causes of dehydration include certain medical conditions — such as diabetes, cystic fibrosis, and kidney disease — and medications like beta-blockers.
It’s important to know the signs of dehydration so you can act quickly when they appear. Here’s how to tell if you’re dehydrated:
Extreme thirst and parched mouth
Lightheadedness and fatigue
Low blood pressure
Dry skin
Sunken eyes
If you’re ill, exposed to extreme temperatures, or you otherwise notice signs of dehydration, you may want to decrease your caffeine intake as caffeine dehydration is a possibility.
The best way to avoid caffeine dehydration is to make sure you get the right amount of fluids and electrolytes. While many experts recommend drinking eight 8-ounce cups of water a day, the recommended daily fluid intake varies from person to person. Your body weight, activity level, and medical condition can all affect the amount of fluids you need.
If you’re not sure how much water and electrolytes you need to drink each day, consult a healthcare professional or registered dietitian. They can assess your medical history and help determine what your body needs.
Stay Hydrated with DripDrop
So, does coffee dehydrate you? One or two cups of coffee will not cause dehydration, and coffee does count toward your daily water intake. However, drinking huge amounts of caffeine can cause dehydration because of its diuretic effect causing increased urination.
Though coffee, like water, is hydrating, it lacks the electrolytes our body also needs for total hydration. For better hydration, try adding DripDrop to your daily water intake. Formulated with essential electrolytes, DripDrop helps you recover the fluid and electrolytes you lose throughout the day with just one drink.