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Does Sparkling Water Hydrate You?

Sparking water is a popular choice for those seeking a refreshing alternative to plain still water, which can sometimes be boring and flavorless. But water is essential to our everyday well-being and bodily functions. Maybe you’re looking to introduce something new and exciting without negatively impacting your hydration goals, so you’re wondering: Does sparkling water hydrate you?

While regular water may be the best way to stay hydrated when matched against drinks with added sugars and added flavorings, you may be surprised to find sparkling water is on par with the original recipe.

What is Sparkling Water?

To understand sparkling water, you must first have an understanding of still water, which is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom (hence, H20).

Often hailed as the effervescent cousin of regular water, sparkling water is regular water infused with carbon dioxide gas under pressure, creating bubbles that instills water with carbonation.

So, if you’ve been asking yourself, “Does sparkling water hydrate you?” The simple answer is yes. Sparkling water is merely water with carbon dioxide added for its characteristic bubbles and fizz.

Sparkling water needs less added carbonation than other carbonated waters, like seltzers, because it comes from springs where it gains some carbonation from the minerals it contains.

It’s also important to note that sparkling water is distinct from sodas and some flavored seltzers because it does not have any added sugars, artificial sweeteners, or calories, making it a much healthier alternative.

Adding DripDrop electrolyte mix to your water is another healthier alternative to sodas or traditional sports drinks as DripDrop contains just one-half the amount of sugar found in traditional sports drinks. DripDrop Zero also allows you to get the same hydration benefits with zero sugar.

Sparkling Water Vs. Other Carbonated Beverages

If you’re looking for an answer to the question, “does sparkling water hydrate you” because you want to stay hydrated while diversifying what you drink, there’s good news.

Sparkling water does provide your body with the same level of hydration, though it does hydrate your body at a slower rate than regular water. The reason? Your body has to wait for the stomach to separate water from carbonation, which can slow down the absorption process.

Now that you have an understanding of sparkling water and its hydration effects, it’s time to ask: Does seltzer water hydrate you?

You may not have even realized that sparkling water and seltzer water are two different carbonated drinks. Seltzers and other carbonated beverages are extremely similar to sparkling water—so much so that the term “sparkling water” is commonly used interchangeably with these other drinks. But, it’s important to understand the differences.

  • Seltzer water is regular water infused with carbon dioxide. It lacks the minerals of sparkling water.

  • Club soda is seltzer water that also receives an infusion of minerals, usually sodium bicarbonate and potassium sulfate. Those minerals give it a salty taste.

  • Tonic water includes carbonation and minerals along with quinine, a medication used to treat malaria. Flavored syrups and sugars are frequently introduced into tonic water.

Benefits of Drinking Sparkling Water

Once you’ve understood the answer to does sparkling water hydrate you, it’s time to consider some of the pros and cons to drinking sparkling water. Sparkling water should never completely replace still water in your daily life, but integrating more sparkling water into your daily hydration can help you maintain a good level of hydration.

Here are some benefits to drinking sparkling water:

Bubbles Encourage Drinking

Sodas can be enticing for a number of reasons—everything from marketing to flavor profile can pull you in and influence your drink decisions. Soda contains high levels of sugar, making it a poor choice for hydration but a tasty treat.

For some people, though, soda is all about the bubbles.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which endorses sparkling water as an alternative for those who don’t drink regular water, the bubbles can encourage people to drink more by making sparkling water easier to swallow than normal water.

Minerals may give the sparkling water a slightly different flavor and still water, too, which can further encourage people to stay hydrated.

Helps with Diet

When that carbonation is separated from carbonated water, it can help contribute to a feeling of fullness. Sparkling water benefits can include keeping meals to healthy proportions or fixing an issue with overabundant water consumption. Drinking sparkling water may also help with mild acid reflux or indigestion.

As a side note, removing tap water from your diet in favor of sparkling water can also remove some of the fluoride your body is used to. Consider other ways your teeth can get the fluoride they need.

Helps You Avoid Soda

If you find yourself reaching for a soda, try carbonated water instead. The bubbles are one important factor that helps with sparkling water’s drinkability, but many sparkling waters now include no-calorie or low-calorie flavoring options that put healthier carbonate drinks on an even playing field with their less healthy relatives. This is another way to make drinking water feel more exciting and flavorful.

There are more carbonated water options on the market than ever before, with a wide variety of flavors available to the curious consumer. Once again, studies find that carbonated water hydrates at near identical levels as still water—something soda can’t claim.

Possible Risks of Sparkling Water

Can Damage Teeth

Though the bubbles caused by carbonation are an appealing aspect of sparkling water, that carbonation can also create carbonic acid. The amount of carbonic acid in sparkling water is usually minimal, but if the sparkling water you’re drinking also contains phosphoric acid or citric acid for flavor, it can reach a point where prolonged drinking could cause erosion, though its corrosive power is still less than that of soda.

Can Cause Bloating

While the bubbles in sparkling water can leave some feeling satisfied, for others, this carbonation may lead to bloating or uncomfortable fullness.

The acidic nature of some carbonated beverages could make acid reflux worse instead of better, but there’s not a lot of data on just how much carbonated beverages contribute to acid reflux. If sparkling water begins to promote this kind of response in your body, dial back your consumption.

Can Include Sneaky Additives

Many people opt to drink sparkling water to avoid drinking too much sugar, which contains high levels of added sugars. But, if you’re not careful, drinking the wrong type of sparkling water can contribute to your sugar intake.

Read the nutritional facts and ingredients list before purchasing any carbonated waters. Look for the word “essence” in the ingredient list, along with low levels of any added fruit juice.

Can Slow Down Hydration

While the answer to “does sparkling water hydrate you?” is yes, that doesn’t mean it’s the optimal way to get hydrated.

Studies show that carbonated waters hydrate at near-identical levels as regular water, but the research also shows that the body first must separate the carbonation from the water before using it for hydration.

This downtime could make a detrimental difference in an emergency situation, during exercise, or for physically intensive jobs like athletes or construction workers.

So, while sparkling water can certainly contribute to your hydration each day, it is not recommended that you use it as your main source of hydration.

Maintain Optimal Hydration with DripDrop

Sparkling water provides near-identical hydration as its still counterpart, so adding an oral hydration solution like DripDrop will help the hydration process in near-identical fashion. DripDrop adds flavor with half of the sugar you’d consume in a sports drink. It also adds three times the electrolytes of a sports drink, helping the body better utilize the hydration you’re consuming with sparkling water.

If you already have your favorite flavors picked out, you can subscribe and save 25%. If you want to try DripDrop’s flavor offerings, grab a multi-flavor pouch.