How to Subscribe

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FAQs about Subscriptions
Why do people love DripDrop?
Doctor-developed DripDrop contains the sodium electrolyte levels and lower glucose content required to facilitate fast fluid absorption, AND it tastes great. Packed with essential electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium, plus zinc and vitamin C for immune support, it's an effective rehydration solution.
How do I prepare DripDrop?
Mix one stick of DripDrop into 8oz of water. Shake or stir and enjoy.
What causes dehydration?
Dehydration is the loss of fluids and electrolytes essential for normal body function. It occurs when your body loses more fluids than it takes in and often happens when we sweat, travel, or experience nausea.
Can I drink DripDrop daily?
DripDrop is absolutely safe for everyday use, supporting your daily hydration health and wellness.
Can everyone use DripDrop?
Yes! It's trusted by families, firefighters, athletes, the chronic illness community, military and everyday go-getters. Consult your doctor for use with children under 1 year, or if you have pre-existing health conditions or specific electroyte restrictions.