For many, camping is a way to get away from it all. For others, it's just as much about staying in touch with nature and having fun outdoors as it is about getting off the grid for a few days. Whether you're heading out on your first camping trip or have been sleeping under the stars for years, here are some essentials you should bring when venturing into the wild.
Grab Your Backpack - And Don’t Forget a Dry Bag
Be sure to get a backpack that is big enough for all of your gear. Make sure the straps are comfortable, as you essentially will carry everything you bring with you on your trip! Also, consider using a dry bag to keep your gear protected. Dry bags keep water, soil and sand off your belongings and protect them even under extreme conditions. These can be especially crucial if you have electronics or other gear you don't want to get wet or dirty.
Not only are dry bags convenient, but they can make a good "bear bag" when camping. They are made with ultra-lightweight material and seal to keep your gear secure and protected. For campers that may have wandered into areas with higher bear populations, it may be wise to put food or any items that could attract bears in a dry bag and suspend them from a tree. A dry bag can be the solution to your safety. Keep your gear protected from the elements and scavengers, no matter where you camp.
Don’t Tackle the Wilderness Without Coffee First
Coffee is an essential part of the camping experience, and there are a few different ways you can go about having your morning cup. However, sometimes being out in the wilderness doesn't afford campers the same amenities of preparing it as we would at home. We recommend using Alpine Start Original blend instant coffee and have an entirely new camping experience. This is the best way to get your daily fix, even in the woods or while backpacking.
If morning coffee isn’t part of your schedule, consider Alpine Start’s Matcha With Benefits. A cup of matcha is the perfect coffee alternative for those with a more earthy taste. Everyone knows the excellent health benefits of matcha but now try it with some extra herbs and supplements.
For those who are health-conscious and need an added wellness boost, try Alpine Start’s Coffee With Benefits to get a blend of your daily vitamins (A & D) in addition to your daily dose of caffeine. This coffee also boasts Organic Lion's Mane, Organic Reishi Mushrooms and MCTs for a boost in immunity and focus - precisely what you need when hiking through the woods! So stay alert while feeling healthy and energized.
Make DripDrop Your Camp Companion
Even in cooler weather, it’s easy to become exhausted or dehydrated when hiking, biking or even kayaking, so avoid dehydration headaches and fatigue by adding a packet of DripDrop to your water bottle or canteen can help keep fluid levels up and deliver sufficient energy to get you back to camp. When the water supply is limited, and you don’t know when you’re going to get your next drink, DripDrop will keep you feeling refreshed and give you the fuel you need. You will have all your bases covered to stay healthy, energized and prepared for anything.
Keep Your Beverages the Best Dressed
Don’t forget to pack for your camp beverages when grabbing your outdoor gear. Puffin Drinkwear has some of the most woods-appropriate and stylish drink koozies around. The lumberjack Puffin is a zip-up flannel shirt that salutes your time in the woods. This keeps your hands from getting too cold while insulating your can beverages and helps keep them cooler longer. Try the OG Puffin and The Caddy. These are also insulated but are longer, so they can hold larger bottle-shaped drinks. Of course, these Puffins pay homage to the ultimate camping staple - The sleeping bag! This is something no backpacker should never be without, nor your favorite camp beverage.
Tuck Yourself In With Camp Sleeping Gear
Avoid sleeping on tree roots with the Klymaloft Sleeping Pad and get an outstanding night’s sleep. Even in a tent, this sleeping pad eliminates all pressure points guaranteeing you won’t toss and turn. The combination of air chambers and foam supports your body where you need it most.
Give your head the same support with a Drift Camp Pillow. The casing is water resistant and packs down for convenient travel. Don't leave your memory foam at home when you can have it at your campsite. Klymit provides the best sleep bundle with sleeping pads and camp pillows. Make sure you start each day rested with their innovative camping gear.
Keep Your Campsite Well Lit- And With Color!
You can also bring a solar lantern for night hikes or to get around the campsite after the fire goes out. The MPOWERD Luci Pro Outdoor 2.0 Inflatable Solar Lantern + Charger provides a light source and can charge electronics in the event of an emergency or someone getting lost. Get a full charge, or roughly 14 hours of use, from just being in the sun for 2-3 hours. This solar lantern easily collapses to 1 inch thick, giving you plenty of room in your camping gear. The MPOWERD Luci Solar Color String Lights + Charger are fun, and they make any outdoor space shine in a variety of colors! There are two ways you can charge one: by connecting it directly via a USB charger (if there's power available) or using solar panels that will gather sunlight during the day and store it for later use.
Now That You Have the Essentials, Get Going - Nature Awaits
With these essential items in mind, you will be prepared for anything that comes your way while camping. Don’t forget a first-aid kit with bandages, disinfectants and matches. A Summer Hiking Essential Bundle from Green Goo keeps all the supplies you need within reach. The pack includes essentials like bug spray, sunscreen, poison ivy relief and lip balm. Sometimes these are the most critical items of the trip, yet they can often be overlooked in the scramble to get ready. This is a perfect "one size fits all" solution to your outdoor essentials.
The best thing about being outdoors is the freedom of living fully in the moment. So enjoy yourself, unplug and unwind because it's not every day we get to escape into nature. So soak up the serenity and tranquility of the woods and give your mind the reboot you need.